Our life is  shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.

Change your mind, change your life!

Ready to transform your life and magnetically attract all that is meant for you?

Why Meditate?

We've all experienced the overwhelm of our busy lives as we attempt to juggle work, health, family, finances, friendships, social commitments, and the unending distractions that surround us. While we may be able to handle such stress occasionally, when it becomes our lifestyle, it can push our minds into overdrive, resulting in persistent stress and anxiety. This ongoing pressure can not only erode our mental peace and clarity but also affect our physical health.

This is where meditation can truly come in handy. Just like how we exercise to keep our body strong and healthy, meditation is like a workout for our minds. It's a way to give our brain a break from the constant chatter and stress. Imagine you have this awesome phone with lots of apps. But if you keep all those apps running all the time, your battery gets drained. Meditation is like closing some of those apps for a while, letting your phone (aka your mind) recharge.

Cultivating a meditation practice can not only help you become more focused and clear-headed, but it can also be your secret weapon for dealing with the whirlwind of emotions. Meditation teaches us to stay present and aware, thus allowing us to become observers of what's happening around us without getting caught up in it. With the power to stay calm in the eye of the storm, we become better at responding to situations with intention, rather than reacting impulsively.

Well, that's not all. The best reward of connecting with the stillness within is that we understand ourselves better – our real selves, our fears, what makes us excited, and the subconscious beliefs that limit us. It's so much like hanging out with our best friend – our higher selves! By exploring the inner realms of our minds, we open doors for profound healing, transformation and self-realization.

Lastly, don't forget that becoming a Zen master doesn't happen overnight. It's a skill you develop, similar to learning an instrument or a sport. You begin with short practice sessions, and as time goes on, it will automatically lead you on a path to profound inner wisdom, which holds the answers to all that you're seeking.

Hi, I am Sarika!

Thank you for finding your way to my website.

Whether you're taking your first steps on the path of meditation or you're an experienced traveler seeking to deepen your practice, you've found a safe and nurturing space here.

My personal spiritual journey has been profoundly enlightening, leading me to a deep understanding of the source essence within myself and others. This journey has illuminated my mind to recognize the boundless potential within each of us – a potential that transcends the level of experience and beliefs.

My mission is clear - to empower you with the right mindset and techniques, enabling you to shed the burdens of the past and open yourself to the transformative dimensions of energy, vibrations, and conscious thought.

Together, we will embark on a journey where I will be your guide, helping you navigate the intricate realms of your inner landscape, harness the power of your emotions and subconscious mind, and pave the way for a life guided by intention, harmony, and limitless creation.

It's time to unlock your potential, and I'm here to help you every step of the way!

My Offerings

  • Open laptop with a diary placed in front, depicting a productive workspace combining digital technology and traditional note-taking.

    Private Sessions

    Personalized sessions designed to align with your unique needs and goals. These sessions may include transformative coaching, energy healing, subconscious reprogramming, and specialized meditations to unlock your full potential.

  • Multiple hands together on top of each other

    Group Events

    Connect with a community of like-minded individuals in our upcoming events or weekly meditation circles to experience the profound impact of group energy and accelerate your journey toward personal growth and empowerment.

  • Two people sitting across a desk with coffee mugs in their hands

    Corporate Programs

    Elevate your team's well-being and productivity with our tailored corporate meditation programs. Foster a harmonious workplace through mindfulness practices designed to create healthier organizations from the inside out.


Empowered |

Peaceful |

Happier |

Balanced |

Focussed |

Creative |

Joyful |

Loving |

Healthier |

Grateful |

Unstoppable |

Vibrant |

Connected |

Resilient |

Empowered | Peaceful | Happier | Balanced | Focussed | Creative | Joyful | Loving | Healthier | Grateful | Unstoppable | Vibrant | Connected | Resilient |

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